



特殊钢 ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 46-49.

• 工艺技术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 安阳钢铁股份有限公司第二炼轧厂,安阳455004
  • 收稿日期:2019-04-26 出版日期:2019-10-01 发布日期:2022-05-13
  • 作者简介:曹树卫(1976-),男,博士(2007年北京科技大学),教授级高级工程师,1999年武汉科技大学(本科)毕业,钢铁冶炼和加工研究。

Analysis on Forming Mechanism of Fine Cracks at Narrow Faces of Slab of HSLA Steel and Process Improvement

Cao Shuwei, Gao Xinjun ,Sun Tuo   

  1. The 2nd Steel Making &Rolling plant,Anyang Iron and Steel Co Ltd. Anyang 455004
  • Received:2019-04-26 Published:2019-10-01 Online:2022-05-13

摘要: 采用金相分析方法对低合金高强度钢(/%:0.16~0.18C,0.20~0.40Si,1.42~1.55Mn, ≤0.025P, ≤0.012S,0.015~0.025Nb,0.100~0.115V,0.010 0~0.0150N)连铸板坯窄面微裂纹的产生机理进行了分析研究。结果表明:板坯窄面表层显微组织不合理如奥氏体晶粒粗大、奥氏体晶界处先共析铁素体膜的形成以及第二相质点在奥氏体晶界处的偏析等是微裂纹产生的机理。通过优化连铸板坯窄面冷却工艺,将窄面冷却水量增加35%;细化了晶粒,抑制了铁素体膜的产生,改变了第二相质点析出,改善了铸坯表层组织,消除了铸坯窄面微裂纹缺陷。

关键词: 低合金高强度钢, 板坯, 窄面微裂纹, 显微组织, 冷却

Abstract: The mechanism of fine crack at narrow faces of slab of HSLA steel (/% :0.16 ~ 0.18C, 0.20 ~0.40Si, 1.42 ~1.55Mn, ≤ 0.025P, ≤0.012S, ≤ 0.015 ~ 0.025Nb, 0.100 ~0.115V, 0.0100 ~ 0.0150N) was analyzed and researched by the means of metallographic analysis. The results show that the mechanism of fine crack is unreasonable microstructure of surface of slab narrow faces, such as coarse austenite grain, as well as formation of pre-eutetoid ferrite film and segregation of the second phase particle at the austenite grain boundaries. By optimization of cooling process i. e. increasing narrow face cooling water rate by 35% ,the austenite grains are fine, the formation of ferrite film is suppressed and the participation of second phase particle is changed as well as the surface structure of slab is improved, the defect of fine crack at narrow faces of slab is eliminated.

Key words: HSLA Steel, Slab, Fine Cracks of Narrow Faces, Microstructure, Cooling ,